Quailed it!

After the poor performance of our first hatch. We’ve had better luck this time and now got a few friends for Zoe (our first white quail). 23 in fact! She’s taken on the mothering role like a star, showing them how to feed and drink.

During the first week or so we have to provide water in a shallow dish with pebbles. The chicks are so small and unsteady on their feet, without the pebbles it becomes quite easy for them to fall in and not make it back out.

Quails reach maturity and start laying their eggs in as little as 6 to 8 weeks. Unlike chickens that can take up to 6 months.

The fast growing nature of these birds and the fact they don’t require a great deal of space makes them an ideal alternative to chickens, and a great way to start producing some of your own food.

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